Bruno Itoua
H.E. Bruno Itoua
Minister of Hydrocarbons, Republic of Congo

H.E. Bruno Itoua

Minister of Hydrocarbons, Republic of Congo

President of the OPEC since on January 2022, appointed respectively on May 15, 2021, Minister of Hydrocarbons; on April 30, 2016, Minister of Higher Education; on December 12, 2011, Minister of Scientific Research; September 25, 2012, Minister of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation, January 12, 2005, Ministry of Energy and Hydraulics after spending 7 years at the head of the National Petroleum Company of Congo (SNPC).

Deputy of the 1st electoral district of the District of Ollombo since June 24, 2007, Mr. Bruno Jean Richard ITOUA, was born October 06, 1956 in PointeNoire. He is married and the father of six children. 06, 1956 in Pointe-Noire. He is married and the father of six children.

后的大学研究Marien NGOUABI University of Brazzaville leading to a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics option, Mr. Bruno Jean Richard ITOUA then obtained his diplomas in Mechanics-Electricity Engineer at the Special School of Public Works and building (SPWP) in Paris (France), Engineer in Development and Exploitation of Deposits at ENSPM (IFP) at Rueil Malmaison (France), then a DESS / MBA in Business Administration at IAE de Paris (University Panthéon-Sorbonne).

Engineer then Head of the Technical Control Department within the General Electricity Control of the National Electricity Company (SNE) where he also began his professional career in 1984, Mr. Bruno Jean Richard ITOUA has successively held several positions within Elf Congo, which he joined in 1985.