Nurul Ichwan
Nurul Ichwan

Nurul Ichwan


Nurul Ichwan is Deputy Minister for Investment Promotion at Ministry of Investment/Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). Ministry of Investment/BKPM is in charge of implementing policy and service coordination in investment and the focal point that connects all investment sectors and stakeholders in the country. As the primary interface between business and government, the ministry is mandated to boost both domestic and foreign direct investment by creating a conducive investment climate.

Nurul Ichwan has been serving Ministry of Investment/BKPM for 24 years in various positions in investment planning and promotion. He was the Director of Indonesia Investment Promotion Center in Singapore and London. Between 2018 and 2020, he served as Director of Regional Investment Promotion Facilitation and Director of Investment Planning for Services and Economic Zones.

In 2020-2022, Nurul hold position as Deputy Chairman for the Investment Planning. His responsibilities included developing national investment plan, also preparing Investment Projects Ready to Offer (IPRO) and investment opportunities map in Indonesia. Since May 2022, he has been serving as Deputy Minister for Investment Promotion who is in charge of formulating promotion strategy and coordinating promotion programs.

Born in 1968, Nurul holds an Economics Bachelor’s degree from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman and a Master of Marketing Management from Unuversitas Mercu Buana in Indonesia. He also attended several leadership training programs, including Leadership Visit and Workshop in UK and Investment Training Promotion in Germany (2003- 2004) held by InWEnt and supported by German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.