欢迎来到我们的第8条专注于轨道60.尽管如此,这里的真实主题是3500生命周期,该问题仅通过引入轨道60产品线来提出。在我们开始之前,请在轨道60上快速更新。自8月13日以来,客户已收到他们的轨道60系统。系统已经向全球的网站运往世界上有超过100多个。我们的TSI和SIL 2系统将在2022年6月30日发货。
To understand ‘why?’ one should consider an integrated approach to Asset Performance Management (APM), and what is it exactly, one must first appreciate the problem it aims to solve – so let’s start there, in a series of articles that should culminate with a comprehensive understanding of the overall subject.
资产绩效数据传统上静坐并与大资产管理生态系统断开连接。这种丰富的性能数据在工厂运营网络上的单独数据库中生存在不同的数据库中,使得难以访问。Bently Nevada delivers asset performance management (APM) solutions through our flagship System 1 Integrated APM software platform.
齿轮箱(GB)用于改变机轴速度和扭矩或改变旋转轴方向。GB的条件和寿命通常是最终用户提供连续工厂操作的感兴趣。Thus, condition monitoring of GB is very common practice.
随着我们继续看到经济的增长,我们亦注意到过去二十年的一项重大变化,因为世界各地的经营业务大幅增加,以便在其增长和发展中为客户提供更多。Today, I want to recognize the longevity of the Bently Nevada family and the milestone of being in our current building for the last 20 years.