大多数组织都希望推动可靠性的持续提高,但是许多人面临的挑战是知道将其努力集中在哪里进行最大影响。The reality is that a myriad of factors influence reliability. These range from the selection, procurement, storage, and installation of assets to how they are operated, monitored, and maintained, The Value of a Reliability Program Assessment.
在我们针对Orbit 60系列的第10篇文章中,我们专注于轨道60并启用了增强功能;我们对新产品感到非常满意。与我们所有主要监控产品产品(7200、3300&3500)类似,我们最初只能引入某些功能,然后在该基础上建立。我们的第一个版本已成功安装在多个位置,我们称之为API 670版本。Orbit 60系列更新:本月最新版本的新功能。
在此版本中,我们还将分享一个成功的故事,描述在沿着桥梁安装的燃气管和管道支撑系统上执行的结构测试。这些测试是调查的一部分,该研究是为监视系统安装准备的准备。目的是获取有关振动响应,固有频率和相关模态形状的信息,以优化永久传感器的分布。这些传感器将构成状态监控系统的一部分 - 将在不久的将来安装 - 这将允许早日检测系统降解并总体预防灾难性故障,煤气管道状况监测部署,现实生活中的情况。
从历史上看,框架振动已被用作往复式压缩机的保障测量,以从潜在的灾难性故障中节省资产。Until the late 1980s, seismic switches (aka earthquake triggers) were used to automatically trip machines in case vibration exceeded pre-defined setting. Due to the binary nature of switches, it was not an effective way of tracking the changes in vibration that could be attributed to developing issues in the machine. Hence, the industry started shifting towards transducers and transmitters to enable online continuous monitoring, Reciprocating Compressor Condition Monitoring.
这篇文章是关于状态监测报警etting, not about setting the protection alarms. Condition monitoring of rotating machinery is very much about detecting changes. Some changes are natural and acceptable, like changes due to the machine load or RPM, but most of the changes are making us wonder how long we can operate the machine safely. The most popular way to detect changes is to apply alarm levels to the vibration data that is collected. However some do it by manually browsing through all the data that has been collected and comparing the latest readings to the ones collected earlier. Surely both ways can lead to a good or bad end result, but in today industry where resources are limited, we should be leaning more towards the use of alarm functionalities, Condition Monitoring Alarm Levels.
最后,客户分享了他们的实时故事;Soil生产润滑油,石油化学产品,并在韩国Ulsan的Onsan Industrial Compleard每天运营669,000桶的原油精炼设施,这是世界上世界上最大的帕班西烯(PX)生产设施和Bunker-C-C-C全球标准的开裂中心。在2021年,为该压缩机实施了一个内华达州的往返压缩机状况监测系统,包括在线动态缸压力,以检测机器问题的早期指示,并提供更好的诊断能力,即循环压力测量值的价值,用于往复式压缩机。