
The industry is full of companies that sell lost circulation materials (LCM). The key is finding the one that has a complete LCM portfolio, and the expertise to deliver the right solution to cure your thief zone.

We offer a comprehensive array of products designed to control downhole mud losses, saving you time and money. Among our series of LCM and wellbore strengthening materials are traditional and proprietary fibers, granules, and flakes.

Draw on full portfolio of industry-leading LCM

Our full portfolio of LCM includes well known industry brands such asCHEK-LOSS™,LC-LUBE™,MIL-CARB™,SOLUFLAKE™, andFLOW-CARB™, to name a few.

For severe lost circulation we offer ourX-LINK™ crosslinked polymer solution, SOLU-SQUEEZE™ reservoir-friendly squeeze pill, and our newest offering,MAX-LOCK™. MAX-LOCK is a setting pill that has thixotropic properties allowing effective placement in the lost zone, develops high compressive strength, and is acid soluble. No special mixing equipment is required and it is compatible with WBM and OBM.

Let a Baker Hughes representative help you identify the best LCM to stop losses in costly thief zones.

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