


  • Determine most efficient procedure for your operation with advanced job modeling
  • Ensure safer operations with flow and tubing force analysis
  • Reduce downtime and optimize time on location

  • Advanced well cleanouts
  • Optimization of millout runs
  • CT cleanouts using reverse circulation



Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your coiled tubing-assisted well cleanouts withCTRan™ softwarefrom Baker Hughes.

As your well laterals get longer and the number of stages increase, conducting millout runs or well cleanouts has become increasingly complex and costly. CTRan software provides custom-engineered analysis and modeling to help coiled tubing operators optimize well cleanouts.

Develop cleanout strategies specific to your well

Part of the proven CIRCA modeling software for optimizing coiled-tubing job designs, CTRan uses data specific to your advanced cleanout application. The software accounts for those parameters most important for an effective wellbore cleanout, including particle size, bottomhole pressure, fluid density and viscosity, pump rates, run and pull rates, deviation, and other factors.

CTRan uses these datasets in its unique solids transport simulator, which was developed based on nearly 10,000 flow-loop tests and correlated with thousands of successful cleanout jobs around the world.

The software then delivers an optimized cleanout solution and job design, including required flow rates, circulation time, tool configuration, penetration, and wiper-trip speeds. It also models jetting functions for optimal flow management downhole.

Combining the power of the CTRan software with tools in theTornado™ CT cleanout system, our engineers help you minimize time on location while enhancing the well cleanout for restored productivity.

Design the right plan built on proven performance

CTRan has helped operators around the world save days of rig time and return wells at risk of shut in back into profitable production. The software was used to model and design a reverse circulation job for an under-hydrostatic well with significant quantities of proppant remaining. The resulting plan was more efficient and posed less risk than a conventional cleanout—removing the majority of proppant in a single downward pass. The operation was completed eight days ahead of schedule and resulted in doubling the well’s gas production target.

Discover how CTRan software can help you optimize your CT well cleanouts, prevent downtime, and restore productivity to your wells.

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