field service

Panametrics celebrates International Woman in Engineering Day

7 min read

Panametrics celebrates International Woman in Engineering Day, (#INWED21)

As Baker Hughes, we have a mission tosupport diversity. The Latest figures show that just under 13% of the engineering workforce across the globe are women. We are proudly working to close the gender gap for our own employee pool as well as encourage woman in#STEMfields around the world.

We aim to take every opportunity, including#INWED21to champion female engineers and help inspire more people into engineering careers. So we asked our growing group of female engineers what inspires them?

This year the #INWED21 theme is#EngineeringHeroes; there are plenty of them at#Panametrics.! Today we are featuring some of our Panametrics Engineering Heroes, and their stories.

Anan Wang - Women in Engineering Day

Anan Wang, Panametrics Mechanical Engineer

Anan Wangwrites to us, what inspires her, “sense of accomplishment after solving industry problems.” She loves her role, of engineering in the energy transition.

Shruthi Gujjula - Women in Engineering Day

Shruthi Gujjula, Panametrics Sr. Engineer Embedded Software Development

Shruthi Gujjulaexplains “The challenges that I face in my current role enables me to think out of box and find innovative ways to design and build solutions for the toughest applications in the industry. The immense satisfaction in solving the complex customer problems continuously inspires me and keeps me going!”

When asked “Why did you become an engineer?”

She explained “I was good at math and science in high school. So, Engineering was a natural choice. I chose to do my Bachelors degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering. During the coursework I enjoyed the ability to take real-world signals and mathematically manipulate them. This inspired me to do Masters degree in the field of Electrical Engineering with Digital Signal Processing as my major.”

She also shared with us who the fantastic woman in your life that inspired her:

My Mother has been the greatest inspiration throughout my journey. She always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and held my back during the most challenging times. There are some great women leaders in our organization who do some outstanding work and inspire me everyday.”

Shruthi hopes to inspire others?“通过行动设置一个很好的例子。”

And explains how can we do more to mentor woman in STEM?

We can foster the development of women by connecting them with potential mentors and sponsors; this provides them with constant feedback and support. Appropriate rewarding system based on recognition of their efforts keeps them encouraged and inspired. “

Brooke Guiley - Women in Engineering Day

Brooke Guiley, Panametrics Field Service Engineer, pictured with daughter

The next story comes to us fromBrooke Guiley, from the Panametrics Field Service team. Brooke shares her inspiration; “What inspires me about my role is proving I am strong mentally and physically every day! My daughter’s goal is to “grow big and strong” and hopefully I can be a good example for her!"

When asked advice on how to involve more woman in STEM careers, Brooke explained “A lot of it begins at childhood. Getting young girls exposed to STEM at home, at school, and in extracurricular activities is crucial to bridging the gap. Everyone deserves a chance to explore STEM because it can be fun, stimulating, and exciting!"

Kristina Berardi - Women in Engineering Day.png

Kristina Berardi, Panametrics Flow Specialist, pictured with daughter

Another mother daughter duo comes to us from our flow product line,Kristina Berardi, is inspiring her daughter and many others to know their worth. That they can be great engineers if they want to be.

Ramya Rajendran - Women in Engineering Day

Ramya Rajendran, Panametrics Software Manager

Ramya explains why she become an engineer?

“As a student, I found myself highly engaged in science classes. Mathematics wasn't as natural and easy as science for me. But I enjoyed the math challenges too! After all, life would be boring without challenges ;) I also liked engaging in creative work, science experiments and problem solving. So, I chose to do my degree in Electronics Engineering and Master’s in Advanced Communication Technologies.”

When asked why she likes her role she explained

“I briefly mentioned that I liked engaging in creative work, science experiments and problem solving. My role as a Software Engineering Manager for Panametrics, is a package that gives me all of that! But wait is that enough? It was enough when I started my career, later I started seeking for a better purpose outside of my own satisfaction. After a lot of quest, I told myself “There is a common purpose to every problem that is solved. It improves something of value to someone" and that was rewarding to know what I do impacts someone's life in a positive way. And I didn't stop my quest there. I continued seeking for a greater purpose!

In one of our leadership discussions we were talking about Baker Hughes "Emissions Monitoring portfolio and Vision" and how Panametrics is central to that with our groundbreaking solutions (flare.IQ) that help customers achieve 98% flare efficiency. And now, just for perspective of what that means…improving flare efficiency from 70% to 98% at a refinery producing 500,000 barrels per day is equivalent to taking 34,000 cars off the road…Ah, now there's my greater purpose!

What is more rewarding than to know, you can do all that you love and influence a cleaner environment that improves quality of life for our generations to come!

现在,如果我说我喜欢我的角色是一个不会understatement? I absolutely love my role!”

Ramya’s inspiring woman include her mom and her aunt, she says,

“My mom is my best role model! She had a 24x7 government job, raised 3 kids, took best care of all family members, found time to work on her hobbies and was absolutely setting high standards to all that she did. She made it feel like it was so easy! But I knew it wasn't that easy. I grew up in India at times when majority of the women dropped out of school or got a degree just to be able to help their kids at school and held a "house-wife" job. My mom was very strong about setting best example for us and having great career despite all challenges.

My aunt had a Nursing degree but decided to quit her job and stayed home taking care of her kids. I remember a day when I visited her while she was undergoing cancer treatment and a statement, she made struck me hard. She said "Women should strive hard to be financially independent. We are highly capable and can excel in any career, but we are easily influenced by social norms and choose to comply. I could have challenged the norm, instead I complied and lost my financial independence. Ensure you challenge the norms and demand that financial independence!" I took that advice very seriously!!

I see my mom and aunt as two sides of the same coin! They inspired me in different ways that taught me the value of financial independence, resilience, persistence, and diligence.

I have also had great leaders who have inspired me time after time! It would be rude to leave out my dad, brother, husband and my male colleagues and leaders for all the inspiration and support they provided! I take this opportunity to thank everyone that inspired and mentored me all through these years!”



At work, I am very conscious of the "shadow I cast" as one of my leaders stated!”

How to involve more woman in STEM?

She say’s we should “start mentoring early and find mentors who see mentoring not as an exercise but, as way to influence and shape the future for women. When mentors understand the mentees walks of life and make effort to connect, the outcome is grand! It is important to have the patience and persistence along with providing continuous, timely and actionable feedback.

Apart from assigning official mentors, I would ask all leaders and colleagues to look out for that “silent great performer” in your teams and celebrate their accomplishments!”

Jump on toLinkedInand share with us your stories! What inspires you about your role and the woman engineers in your life?#INWED21#panametrics#STEM#womaninengineering

Thanks to Anan, Brooke, Shruthi, Kristina and Ramya for volunteering to take part.