胆汁,贝克休斯的业务,提供a wide array of moisture and gas analyzer systemsthat enable you to make process decisions with confidence. Reliable and stable, our products and services are在数十年的行业经验的支持下和by knowledgeable experts帮助您了解应用程序。
We understand that when it comes to measuring the amount of moisture in your gaseous and non-aqueous liquid processes,accuracy and reliability are two of the greatest factors when choosing a moisture or gas analyzer。Because we serve such a各种各样的行业,应用,技术和用例,我们开发了市场上天然气和水分分析仪最强的投资组合之一。
我们提供best combination of technologies为了提供您需要的测量与您的行业相关的应用程序。Our moisture and gas analyzers are applicable across a wide variety of industries and use cases including:
- Moisture measurement
- 氧测量
- 氢测量
- 采样系统设计和配置
- Measurement solutions for或者iginal equipment manufacturers (OEM’s)
您是否正在寻找冰冷的湿度计为了准确可靠的露点测量,trace moisture analyzers可以测量气体和非野生液体中的水分,可调二极管激光吸收光谱(TDLAS)equipped moisture analyzers for the latest in moisture measurement that requires no regular calibration,胆汁has a moisture and gas analyzer for you.
Explore our range of moisture and gas analyzers below, orcontact usif you require any additional assistance and we'll be happy to help.
胆汁offers a wide variety of单阶段和多阶段的冷藏镜传感器for moisture measurementsfrom sub-ppm industrial and calibration applications to near-saturation at high-temperature process applications。Driving these sensors are theOptica和OptiSonde显示器和控制器。
OpticaChilled Mirror Hygrometer- Optica冷藏的镜湿度计是实验室和校准应用的最佳选择,而精确的水蒸气控制气体大气至关重要。Optica可以在其大型显示器上进行测量和显示:
- Relative humidity (% RH)
- 露/霜点(TD)
- Absolute humidity (m/v)
- 质量混合比(m/m)
- Volume mixing ratio (v/v)
- Wet bulb (Tw)
- 焓(H)
- 水蒸气压力(E)
- Temperature
- 压力
Optisonde冰冷的镜湿度计- This hygrometer is theperfect analyzer of choice for laboratory and process measurements。The OptiSonde shares many of the same features as the Optica. Some features include:
- Compact and rugged design for easy installation and durability
- 专利PACER®循环自动清洁镜子以确保测量完整性
- Built-in data logger provides the ability to record historical data
- Sensor conveniently plugs into wall mount chassis for facility monitoring
- Sensors may be installed to 91 m away for remote monitoring
- Digital (RS-232) interface for data integrity
- 湿度测量可追溯到国家标准与可追溯性研究所(NIST)

胆汁,贝克休斯的业务,提供our customersa broad spectrum of moisture analyzer products。痕量水分分析仪在气体和非水液中提供本质上安全的水分测量。
来自旗舰moisture.IQanalyzer with水分图像系列氧化铝水分探针, to theDewPro系列发射机和air.IQ和pro.iq应用解决方案,恐怖分子可以创建一个非常适合您特定工业需求的痕量水分分析系统。
Reliable and stable,这些产品是在数十年的行业经验的支持下和by知识渊博的专家to help you understand your application and select the appropriate technology for your needs.

Panametrics TDLAS投资组合,以极光product line,由与直观接口,准备在需要时配置和操作。
These laser-based analyzers offer a fast and accurate response, providing moisture measurement from 2 to 5000 PPMv.
不需要重新校准,TDLAS Hygrometers还为我们的客户提供低廉的所有权。
- 胆汁TDLAS moisture analyzer,极光,提供immediate response在流程和快速dry-down湿conditions
- 极光TransPort, offers all the features of the Aurora in a portable configuration for spot-checking and analyzer validation
- The极光19moisture analyzer configures the TDL technology in a 19” rack mount configuration for moisture in metal heat-treating furnace gas, industrial and inert gas, compressed air, testing, and calibration applications
胆汁’PM880便携式水分分析仪测量工业气体和液体的水分含量。PM880湿度计是完整的,intrinsically safe, portable system with options and accessories to meet all industrial moisture measurement needs. This hygrometer is small, lightweight, and easy-to-use. Thelarge LCD displays moisture readingsin dew point (°C or °F), ppmv, ppmw, lb/MMSCF (natural gas), and a variety of other unit options. Data can be viewed in alphanumeric or graphic formats.
ThePM880comes in a soft carrying case with zippered compartments, a handle, and a shoulder strap. The case accommodates the PM880, a sample system, flexible hosing, probes with protective covers, an operating manual, a battery pack, a battery charger, and probe cables.
The PM880 meets the most demanding process applications,包括石化,天然气,工业天然气,半导体,炉气/热处理,发电,空气干燥机,制药和航空航天。
The胆汁XMO2是坚固,紧凑且快速响应的氧发射器。此发射器提供长期氧测量的准确性和可靠性that are critical to your process and product quality. Features include:
- Measurement ranges from 0.01 percent to 100 percent O2 in gases
- Explosion-proof and flameproof enclosure with weatherproof protection allows sensor to be remotely mounted at the measurement point
- Push-button, single or dual gas calibration
- Compact, rugged sensor design with no moving parts provides long term reliability and trouble-free operation
- Dual-bridge measurement circuit compensates for variations in background gas composition
- 独特的双室温度控制的细胞设计可抵抗污染和流动波动
The胆汁oxy.IQ'scompact design fits easily into any installation site. The oxygen analyzer serves both general purpose and hazardous areas with anintuitive interface for easy programming。Applications include:
- 手套箱清除和泄漏检测
- 天然气
- Semiconductor wafer machines
- Coating process machines
- Membrane air separators
- 惰性焊接气体
- 纯气态碳氢化合物流
- Process monitoring of gaseous monomers
- Heat treating and bright annealing
ThePanametrics CGA351系列of zirconium oxygen analyzers are used tomeasure oxygen in clean gas applications that contain no combustibles。Features include:
- Fast, easy one-point calibration
- Low maintenance
- 将氧气从0.1 ppm到100%
- Fast response (90 percent of step change in less than 2 seconds)
- Extremely stable sensor operation
- 很少需要校准检查或调整
- Fast, single-point calibration
OurXDP Explosion-Proof Gas Transmitter Displaydelivers a rugged microprocessor-based control platform featuring an infrared, through-glass touch keypad, with access to all programmable features, making it管理挥发性环境的理想选择。Features include:
- I类,B组,B组,C&D危险区域的I级爆炸性爆炸
- Flameproof II 2 G Ex d IIC T6 Gb
- 磁性玻璃键盘
- Universal AC input
- 24 VDC power supply for XMO2, XMTC or O2X1
- Software for measurement of percent or ppm oxygen or hydrogen
- 三曲线软件用于氢冷却发生器
- Programmable process relay contacts
The胆汁TMO2D提供可选的显示和控制模块增强了我们的XMO2,XMTC和O2X1发射器的性能和操作。Features include:
- Two-line x 24-character backlit LCD
- 单个或双隔离,4至20 mA输出
- Up to four field-configurable process alarms
- Automatic calibration relays

See how Panametrics' moisture and gas measurement solutions are helping customers in multiple industries - and how your specific industry and application can benefit from the expertise and innovation of Panamertics.