Panametrics.,Baker Hughes Business,提供industrial oxygen and gas analyzers that improve process efficiency, optimize reactors, and provide greater confidencefor petrochemical, power generation, and combustion efficiency applications. These固态氧气和气体分析仪设计使用没有移动部件,即使在困难,高噪声环境中也可确保可靠的测量。
From the microprocessor-basedXMTC,非常适合测量浓度of binary gas mixtures includinghydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, helium, and more或XDP的防爆设计,或XDP的防爆设计,认证用于I类,第1级,B组,&D,以及II 2 GD EEX D IIC T6危险区域,到最低纲领派,靠近任何地方的设计Panametrics,我们相信,如果您在生产环境中需要工业氧气和天然气分析仪,我们为您提供了准确可靠的解决方案。
Rugged and compact, thePanametrics XMO2变送器可用于提供computer-enhanced, drift-free oxygen measurement。This transmitter offers accuracy and reliability for long-term oxygen measurements that are critical to your process and product quality.
XMO2结合了computer-enhanced, automatic oxygen signal compensation, fast-response software, real-time error detection, and automated calibration witha proven thermoparamagnetic oxygen sensorto achieve unequaled performance and ease of use. Features include:
- Measurement ranges from 0.01 percent to 100 percent O2 in gases
- 防风雨保护防爆和防火机箱允许传感器远程安装在测量点
- Push-button, single or dual gas calibration
- Compact, rugged sensor design with no moving parts provides long term reliability and trouble-free operation
- Dual-bridge measurement circuit compensates for variations in background gas composition
- 独特的双腔,温控电池设计提供抗污染和流量波动的抵抗力
- Computer-enhanced accuracy of 1 percent of span and linearity of better than 0.5 percent of span
- Automatic background gas compensation
ThePanametrics a built-in microprocessor and is designed to fit easily into any installation site. The oxy.IQ is a highly reliable and cost-effective two-wire, loop-powered transmitter with a linearized 4 to 20 mA output.
它测量氧气十ppm范围和七个百分比范围。All ranges are user-selectable. This compact transmitter使用经过验证的传感器技术准确地测量各种气体中的O2。氧气分析仪服务于通用和危险区域具有直观的界面,便于编程。
- Two-wire, loop-powered 4 to 20 mA transmitter
- 用键盘显示
- Intrinsically safe option for Class 1 Div 1 and Div 2 locations, and ATEX/IECEX Zone 0
- Non Incendive for Div 2 locations
- Ex flameproof option
- Proven galvanic fuel cell O2 sensor technology
- User-selectable ranges for ppm and percent oxygen
- User-friendly and intuitive user interface with diagnostics
- 基于微处理器的全数字技术可靠运行
- Low maintenance, economical and compact
- Sensor failure output error
- Sensor lifetime indication
- NAMUR error indication
ThePanametrics CGA351系列of oxygen analyzers and monitors can beused for any variable gas stream or atmosphere清洁干燥,包括富氧空气进料到炉子和混合燃料气体的燃烧指数和塑料热粘合过程中存在的混合燃料气体和氧含量。功能包括:
- 快速,轻松的单点校准
- Low maintenance
- Measures oxygen from 0.1 ppm to 100 percent; can measure oxygen in reducing gases
- 快速响应(不到2秒的步长90%)
- 非常稳定的传感器操作
- Months of trouble-free service; calibration checks or adjustments seldom required; one-point calibration is sufficient for the entire range from ppm to percent oxygen
- 精度在低氧浓度下增加
Applications and Uses
The CGA 351 zirconium oxide oxygen analyzer is suitable formonitoring and/or controlling high purity gas streams or atmospheressuch as in空气分离,热处理,陶瓷制造, and other processes.

The Panametrics microprocessor-basedXMTCis a紧凑,坚固的在线导热器变送器测量二元气体混合物的浓度,包括hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, helium and many others。
分析仪也结合了computer-enhanced signal measurementwith fast-response software,real-time error detection,and digital communication via an RS232 or RS485 interface.
TheXMTCthermal conductivity transmitter and analyzer are ideal for hydrogen and gas applications, along withindustries such as metals, electric power, petroleum, chemical, methane, landfill, biogas, gas production, and food。功能包括:
- Ultra-stable glass-coated thermistors
- 单个或双气体按钮校准
- 用于数字输出的PC接口包
- Type IP66/4X construction
- ATEX,IECEX,FM和CSA认证,为1区和第1段危险区域
ThePanametrics XDP.explosion-proof display provides the measurement of percent or ppm oxygen or hydrogen gas. The explosion-proof XDP iscertified for use in Class I, Division 1, Groups B, & D, and II 2 GD Exd IIC T6 hazardous areas.功能包括:
- Explosion-proof for Class I, Division 1, Group B, C & D hazardous areas
- Flameproof II 2 GD Exd IIC T6 T85°C
- Magnetic through-the-glass keypad
- Universal AC input
- 24 VDC power supply for XMO2, XMTC or OXY.IQ
- Software for measurement of percent or ppm oxygen or hydrogen
- Three-curve software for hydrogen-cooled generator
- 可编程过程继电器联系人
The XDP provides long-term, hands-off operation with this optional feature. When initiated, theXDP controls solenoid valves in the sample system to bring zero and span gases to the transmitter。Then the XDP software将校准气体读数与工厂数据进行比较以验证适当的校准。If an adjustment is necessary, theXDP makes corrections automatically and notifies the user通过前面板显示和报警触点。
ThePanametrics.TMO2Dis an optional display and control module thatenhances the performance and operation of transmitters such as the XMO2, XMTC, or oxy.IQ。
它提供了双线X 24字符背光LCD显示屏,显示器和选项通过键盘,录像机输出,报警继电器和继电器进行用于驱动用于自动零和跨度校准的样本系统电磁阀,以及24 VDC电源发射器。
- Two-line x 24-character backlit LCD
- Single or dual isolated, 4 to 20 mA outputs
- 最多四个现场可配置的过程警报
- 自动校准继电器
可选的Autoverification / Autocalibration
TMO2D提供了使用此可选功能的长期备忘操作。启动时,TMO2D控制样品系统中的电磁阀以将零和跨度气体带到变送器。然后是TMO2D软件compares the calibration gas readings with factory data to verify proper calibration。If an adjustment is necessary,TMO2D自动进行更正并通知用户通过前面板显示和报警触点。