Deployed around the world, providing健壮和可靠的操作ions in extreme environments, RSDetection† from Reuter-Stokes, a Baker Hughes business, is the next-generation environmental radiation monitoring device for the detection and measurement of low-level gamma radiation.
Reliable Ionization Chamber Radiation Detection
Withmore than 1,100 units in usesince the launch of its previous generation, the RSDetection* radiation monitor remains rooted in the 40+ year legacy of performance-proven, high-pressure ionization chamber technology, offering higher sensitivity, reliability, and stability when compared to alternative gamma detection devices on the market.
Rugged, Weatherproof Design
Encased in a weatherproof enclosure, RSDetection* delivers robust and reliable operation inextreme temperatures from -40 to +55 °Celsiusfor applications from Homeland Security to nuclear power plants.

Why Choose the RSDetection Radiation Monitor?
Why Choose the RSDetection Radiation Monitor?
- Enhanced sensitivity and performance– 10” diameter HPIC gamma detector with excellent temperature stability
- High accuracy(Zero stability: ± 0.5μR/hr; Gain stability: ±0.5% > 35μR/hr , ±3% < 35μR/hr)
- Improved reliability and stability –Upgraded processing electronics design
- Extended battery life– up to 48 hours (nominal under normal unit operation) run time. Equipped with built-in battery charger
- Upgraded communications– Ethernet and 3 USB ports along with an RS-232 serial port for backward compatibility
- 数据能力的提高– 1 GB storage. Adjustable recording intervals, greater than 10M data points of storage
- Omni-directional– Spherical HPIC is not subject to inherent Geiger-Mueller tube limitations. Provides more uniform directionality and has higher sensitivity at lower dose rates
- Fast response time– less than 10 seconds
- Extended range: 0-100R/hr (0-1Sv/hr).
- Adjustable data smoothing filter.
- High signal-to-noise ratio.
- Time-stamped dataand configurable recording intervals.
- Configurable optionsfor a variety of Environmental and Homeland Security applications.
- Windows-based configuration utilityallows users to connect to a single RSDetection™ unit for configuration, data display, and diagnostics.
- Backwards compatiblewith RSS-131 (ER) – same mounting scheme and core protocol (adapter cable required).
- With丰富他的tory dating back over 50 years, Reuter-Stokes has been an industry leader in the research, design, and manufacturing of quality detectors for a variety of radiation monitoring applications.
- Withover 100,000 detectors in service around the worldsupporting instrumentation ranging from reactor monitoring and security applications to neutron research and oil exploration,no company understands your radiation measurement requirements better than we do.