


To optimize the economics of your well intervention operations, you need CT solutions that provide more than just conveyance. Our CT equipment delivers wide-ranging solutions that provide unrivaled performance benefits at the end of the pipe.

  • Ensure reliable performance with thorough job designs through theCIRCA™ modeling software。This powerful simulation and analysis program helps you develop best practices and innovative solutions for your re-entry, directional drilling, and other CT processes before the tubing string enters the hole.
  • 通过包括专有刺激解决方案的提升恢复Stimtunnel™有针对性的酸性放置服务, 这OptiFrac™ multizone fracturing process, andEasyCut™ sand jet perforator结合了EasyTag™ casing collar locator
  • 优化你的井清理龙卷风™洗井过程对于偏离和水平井。我们的Sand-Vac™ and Well-Vac™ systems提供专业的解决方案,用于从超级储层压力井中取出固体,而且Roto-Jet™ rotary jetting system是一个高效的解决方案,用于在一次运行中解体和消除比例。
  • 跟踪CT字符串的工作条件PipeCheck™系统用于监测管道完整性和Cycle™管道管理软件用于预测字符串疲劳和剩余使用寿命。


Contact us to learn how coiled tubing equipment from Baker Hughes can maximize the benefit of any coiled tubing intervention application.


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Coiled tubing equipment